Well here we are almost 3 months later. We have just finished buying our furniture, some we are having made, some bought finished and our appliances are all picked out and bought. Donna went to Larry Marler's connection for curtains and we are having those made as well. Our container is en route from Aruba so that should be here in a few weeks. We are excited and really can't wait to get into our new house.
The house now is almost done and we should be closing in about a week. I cannot wait to get to work on the landscaping and terrace garden.
On a separate note we went to Zoe's for expat night last night. It was nice. You could here the conversations and move about the room freely. There was one guy there who I have met before, when we were here in January who is the model of the perfect expat who should stay out of Ecuador, stay out of anywhere others live as he must make locals think all foreigners are jerks. A real ass. I should keep my thoughts to myself but I call em like I see em. Oh well, everyone else we know is great.
We went to a great steak place on Calle Larga with Rich and Nancy, Larry and Liza, and John.
It was good fun. We really like the friends we have made and look forward to the coming weeks and years.
Stay tuned...................J&D